Big Cats
White Bengal Tiger
White Bengal Tiger
Most people think white tigers are a different subspecies. Fact is neither they are different subspecies nor albinos.
Orange Bengal Tiger
Orange Bengal Tiger
The Bengal tiger (also known as the Royal Bengal tiger) is a subspecies of tiger, found across the Indiansubcontinent.
African Serval
African Serval
The African Serval is often referred to as the cat of spare parts. This unusual, but beautiful cat is among the feline family’s most successful.
African Lion
African Lion
Lions are the world’s most social felines. They live in a large social group called prides.
African Leopard
African Leopard
Leopards are the largest of the cat species to regularly climb trees. They are excellent climbers and spend much of their time in the safety and shade of trees.
Black Leopard
Black Leopard
The dark coloration of Black Leopards is produced by a recessive gene that may be present in either, or both parents.
The Cheetah can reach an impressive top speeds of 60 to 70mph making them the fastest land mammal.